
Exploring #flyingless on Twitter with TAGS

I recently started using TAGS to start archiving Twitter posts with key search phrases for later exploration and possible research. One …

Assessing Your Carbon Footprint with Google Location Data

Google collects a lot of data on us. If you have Google Maps, chances are your location is being tracked, too. Unless, of course, you …

Speaking of Data

Read this aloud: “We need more data.” How did you pronounce the word “data”? Was the “da” in data pronounced like day or was the “a” in …

The Cost of International Education

This blog post was originally published on my other blog, Lately, I have been thinking about the environmental …

The Data Is/Are In

This blog post was originally published on my other blog, Recently, it has come to my attention that I use data as a …

Carbon Crisis Mitigation: Whose Responsibility Is It? - A #TidyTuesday-inspired Essay h1 {font-size: 34px;} h1.title {font-size: …